Lyle Fluit 1 stars rating. - Reviews of Behringer Saws Inc on Manufacturers Near Me

Behringer Saws Inc Reviews

Submitted by Lyle Fluit on 11/04/2022

Lyle Fluit 1 stars rating.

Overall Rating

So they make a great saw but there is absolutely no service after sales!! If you need parts be prepared to wait weeks for a response and even then you will need to call and email them multiple times. I have had this happen over several occasions and at one point the saw was down for a little over a month waiting on them to first respond to an email, then get me a part number and quote and after that acknowledge the order. It has gotten to the point that I'm going to sell the saw and go to a different brand. They make a good saw and it would be my preferred brand but they need to get things together in their parts and service department.

Do You Know Behringer Saws Inc? Write a Review

Blake Gaucher 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Blake Gaucher on 04/14/2022

Allie 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Allie on 08/23/2021

Jason Sailer 1 stars rating.

Starting loose confidence in this company's ability to fix their own products. if your looking for an automated saw look elsewhere as you might end up like us with a $250,000 hunk of gunk that errors out more than it cuts steel

Submitted by Jason Sailer on 08/16/2019

Adinelson Wan der Maas Oliveira 4 stars rating.

(Translated by Google) Simply the best saw machine in the world.
Since 1998, I have followed the evolution of these machines, partnering with vikus blades.

Simplesmente a melhor máquina de Serra do mundo.
Desde 1998 que acompanho a evolução dessas máquinas, fazendo parceria com lâminas vikus.

Submitted by Adinelson Wan Der Maas Oliveira on 02/04/2018

INFINITE 5 stars rating.

Clean place. Very pleasant to pick up at .
Helpful shipping staff and the rest of people that work there.
The only thing that gave me a hard time was the bay door and the post inside that you have to avoid when backing in and inching at the same time.

I'd pick up here any .
In and out fast.

Submitted by Infinite on 10/30/2016

