Matt Halenka 1 stars rating. - Reviews of Generac Power Systems, Inc. on Manufacturers Near Me

Generac Power Systems, Inc. Reviews

Submitted by Matt Halenka on 04/03/2022

Matt Halenka 1 stars rating.

Overall Rating

Generac had a booth at Summerfest where they offered free gifts in exchange for social media likes/follows. This negative review is my small effort to offset their social media rankings which have been inflated using bribery! :-D

Do You Know Generac Power Systems, Inc.? Write a Review

Jack McKinney 1 stars rating.


Submitted by Jack Mckinney on 10/27/2022

Jz 1 stars rating.

I contacted Generac from a quote in May, a man named Shane Flaherty emailed me a questionnaire to fill out and I returned. I never heard back from Shane even though I sent him multiple emails asking for a quote. Bad customer service! Now I read a review that they stole a veterans deposit. I will never consider them again and will gladly tell all friends and family!

Submitted by Jz on 10/27/2022

Mouse Ears 1 stars rating.

I bought 14 panels and a battery system for backup. Incase the power went out. Well for some reason the power went out and fried some clips. Pink energy services the panels replaced the clips and put my system on islanding. So I try to get ahold of pink energy and low and behold they are permanently closed. Try to contact generac to find out and it's been 2 months and they haven't responded. Maybe it's time to tell my bank to put a freeze on the loan payments and contact the loan company and tell them to start charging generac since they don't want to do their job.

Submitted by Mouse Ears on 10/10/2022

Divine counterpart 4 stars rating.

nice respectful place. talked to them on the phone !

Submitted by Divine Counterpart on 09/18/2022

Yakov Familiant 4 stars rating.

Submitted by Yakov Familiant on 09/09/2022

Iryna Lesiuk 1 stars rating.

Submitted by Iryna Lesiuk on 09/09/2022

Vasyl Petruk 1 stars rating.

Submitted by Vasyl Petruk on 09/08/2022

Andrii Savkiv 1 stars rating.

Submitted by Andrii Savkiv on 09/08/2022

Yura Malysh 1 stars rating.

Submitted by Yura Malysh on 09/08/2022

Volodymyr Onyshchuk 1 stars rating.

Submitted by Volodymyr Onyshchuk on 09/07/2022

Tetiana Palok 1 stars rating.

Submitted by Tetiana Palok on 09/07/2022

John Rotondi 1 stars rating.

Based on a mailer I received, it looks like Generac had an issue with one or more of its generator models. When I called to inquire about this, they told me that if they found a problem, they'd fix it for free, but if they didn't I'd have to pay $80. However, when I asked what specific models this impacted, they were unable to answer. When I asked if they had sent a safety notice to us, they couldn't answer. At a minimum, their communications seem poor. At worst? They want me to pay for a mistake they made. Like car recalls, if there is an issue, the manufacturer should pay. why should I subsidize your issue, Generac?

Submitted by John Rotondi on 08/24/2022

Nilma Fichera 1 stars rating.

When you call this company they make an appointment for you. So your waiting for this person to come to your house to find out that the person that generac gave the appointment to is suppose to call you and verify the time and date. Mean while your home waiting. I'm looking for a different company!!!!!

Submitted by Nilma Fichera on 08/11/2022

Rich Reid 1 stars rating.

Their products might be good I can't really say since day one the system has not worked. They do not care at all about customer service. You can't even get any person there to find out if or when they will send a replacement module.

Submitted by Rich Reid on 07/19/2022

alain ruiz 1 stars rating.

They boast to give a warranty of 5 years but in fact it’s only ONE year !!!

Submitted by Alain Ruiz on 07/07/2022

Laura Nalin 5 stars rating.

Great stage

Submitted by Laura Nalin on 06/25/2022

Kathy Barone 1 stars rating.

I’m very upset to hear “Generac“
Kept their $2,000 deposit! I will NEVER hire a company that steals from a family of a Deceased Veteran ???? BUYERS BEWARE!
I would hate to hear of others going through what my neighbor entailed. My neighbor was a veteran, he served for our country and unexpectedly passed away 10 days after hiring Generac to install a generator! What kind of company keeps the deposit of a deceased Veteran? The survivor has enough to deal with and in no shape to defend herself in the attempt to receive a refund!

Submitted by Kathy Barone on 05/08/2022

Randy Roark 1 stars rating.

Generac did not handle my situation, geneac gave me one of their dealers phone Number out of Lowell Indiana. The dealer took my half down payment of 3,100.00 last year march of 2021 as of today march 2022. the dealer has not done the agreement or does he answer his calls or emails. it is like he scammed me. I reported it to Generac they told me it was one on their dealers. and they Headquarter's done nothing only told me nothing they can do. I highly recommend staying away from Generac they are all out for themselfs not customer friendly at all. As of today 3-21-22 still trying to get my money back

Submitted by Randy Roark on 03/21/2022

Terri Trickey 1 stars rating.

Put a down payment and now going on two years. NO GENERATER. This is terrible business!!!!!. Should be against the law. No stars from me.

Submitted by Terri Trickey on 03/07/2022

Nathan Roberts 1 stars rating.

wow, my $10,000 battery (the cost with three 3kwh cells) provides an average MAXIMUM of only 2 hours of electricity every night. DUMBEST.PUCHASE.EVERRRRRR

Submitted by Nathan Roberts on 02/18/2022

Sylvio Mancusi 1 stars rating.

I used my generator for 5 hours, was sitting on my yard, i live off the grid, when i needed assistance they just dropped the ball

Submitted by Sylvio Mancusi on 01/11/2022

Joyce Sinchak 1 stars rating.

My generator is only 3 years old and I had to have service on it which took a month. Also they advertise Wi-Fi capable but they didn't say it had to be manufactured in 2018 or later. Mine was installed in 2018 and does not meet their criteria and they wont do anything about it. The local dealer was great but the manufacturer is the them and you're on hold forever

Submitted by Joyce Sinchak on 12/08/2021

Ralph Lauren 1 stars rating.

Still waiting for my generator order several months later......

Submitted by Ralph Lauren on 11/21/2021

larry loois 2 stars rating.

Cannot honor promo as advertised and will not make accomadations to help.

Submitted by Larry Loois on 11/14/2021

Judy Gunther 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Judy Gunther on 07/02/2021

Linnea Leahy 5 stars rating.

I have something to explain to everyone about the safety and hazards of using generators. Everyone should follow all the generator safety instructions and follow what is said on the generator’s operating manual. We heard that many people have died each year when using generators due to carbon monoxide poisoning and electrocution. There is something very serious that everyone should always be aware of when using generators. Some people do run their generator indoors which is not safe and that increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning which can cause death of family and you. Some people run their generator in wet conditions which can electrocute them. Here’s an advice about generator safety: please remember that you should never run your generator indoors. Remember that carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that you cannot see or smell. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer. Keep that in mind. Make sure your generator is 15-20 feet away from your house and away from doors, windows, and vents. Having a carbon monoxide detector is very important against generator safety. Some people also allow children to go near the portable generator which could pose risks. We need to keep an eye on our children making sure that they are not near the portable generator so they won’t get electrocuted or burned by the generator which is dangerous. A locking enclosure also keeps kids safe. A generator shed might look like a tempting place to explore, or take cover during a game of hide-and-seek, but a generator is a dangerous piece of equipment that can cause injury. It says on the manual that we should also keep children away at all times from the portable generator to avoid injuries. Generators pose electrical risks. If you need to use your generator during wet weather, you need a generator tent to protect your generator from getting wet. Don’t let your generator get wet. Keep your generator dry and before using your generator, please make sure your hands and your generator is dry. Everything that is said on the generator’s operating manual should not be ignored. Never smoke cigarettes near the generator. Please keep flammable things away from the generator. Never overload your generator too. Your generator can catch fire. Never ever try to plug a generator cord into a wall outlet to avoid back feeding. Back feeding your generator is dangerous. Always turn on your generator first before plugging in appliances and shut off the appliances before turning your generator off. Use a heavy duty cord for your generator and the cord should not be worn out. All the instructions should be followed carefully. Never refuel your generator while it’s running. It can cause fire if fuel spills while your generator is hot. You should turn off your generator and let it cool off before refueling it. This is only a reminder for everyone’s safety of using generators. Make sure your generator is properly grounded. Thank you and hope everyone stays safe as well.

Submitted by Linnea Leahy on 05/18/2021

stephen898900 1 stars rating.

In my opinion, their Service and Support are the worst I’ve seen in all of my time in the portable power industry. I’ve spent hours over the phone with rude, cocky reps that were unfamiliar with their own equipment and unable to step out of their cubicle and attempt to find an answer to solve problems with their equipment that customers have spent a lot of money on. I’ve had better luck with google.

Submitted by Stephen898900 on 02/02/2021

c jp 1 stars rating.

We bought a generac generator. We couldn't get it to even start. We called the company. All we got was a woman who read from the manual. We never were able to talk to a mechanic. They finally told us to take it for service. The place they told us to go to wasn't sure they could service it. This is very difficult. We are both older and can't haul a generator around very easy. It is under warrenty. You would think the company would be responsible for their product.

Submitted by C Jp on 12/29/2020

Roman Jamrogiewicz 1 stars rating.

I ordered A Generac Home Generator on 9/10/20. On 10/5/20 I received an email saying the unit would be delivered by 11/30/20. On 11/20/20 I received an email saying the delivery is now unknown. On 11/23/20 I spoke to customer services who said the delivery is now between 13-22 weeks out and they have no better information. They wouldn't let me speak to a supervisor but offered me a a "maintenance kit".
For those of you thinking about ordering a Generac product, make sure to ask about a delivery date. Their advertising is not being straight forward at all.

Submitted by Roman Jamrogiewicz on 11/23/2020

Jeff Holt 1 stars rating.

To start off with I posted this on Generac's "review" site. It was declined because it didn't meet their criteria. In short they didn't like what I had to say and to include the treatment I received from customer service. However since Generac has the ability to pick and choose what people has to say about their product, I'm leaving my experience here.

Generac may have great reputation for generators but it is obvious that they are not equipped institutionally to support any consumer products. In short they want you to buy their product but don’t expect you to really use it. Their business model is to only deal with dealers and not sell anything or support consumers directly. The lesson is clear, at least for me. Avoid Generac consumer products unless you want to be caught in a Catch-22 quagmire regarding parts, service and a unit that actually doesn’t work. Generac may want to introduce consumer products but until they determine how to change their business model to live in a consumer world you will have an expensive and almost non-repairable item.

My first impression was good – read the reviews and it was high. However I’m wondering if their “ratings” are fixed because this machine didn’t even come close to living up to its reputation. On the first start there was trouble. (June 2020) Carb couldn’t regulate fuel. (Overnight after fist start I woke up to a filled crank case, both cylinders and had gas dripping out of the carburetor and gasoline all over the floor) Called Generac and they referred me to their “authorized” repaid dealer. However this “dealer” had no idea they were even one. I waited over two weeks for this “dealer” to get their act together but with no avail so I called Generac back again and this time they gave me two more locations both 20 miles away. I waited almost a month before the replacement carb came in. Upon installing and testing, the engine failed. So now I need a new engine. Service center placed and order. Weeks went by and nothing. Called many times to see where it is and long story short Generac put the blame on the service center. Finally on August 27, 2020 I got my generator back.

August 28, 2020 I put it to work and in less than an hour it had shut down. I had found motor oil strung all over the inside the truck it was sitting in. I added another quart restarted the unit and literally saw oil dripping out of the engine being sucked up by the engine cooling fan and tossed. With the amount of oil puddling and sprayed all over the place I was surprised that Opec wasn’t there with a drilling team. Come Monday (August 31 2020) it went right back to the “authorized” service center where it had been sitting for two months. Long story short the engine that Generac gave me was a used one and told me it was new. A used engine or in their (Generac’s) words “a repaired one” with unknown amount of hours on it. (Generac repaired tag included in picture)

Generac customer service is everything short of actually helping you. Oh they’ll say that their “sorry” but that would be the extent of it. I was offered a new “unit” but after receiving a used engine for a generator with less than an hour on it that cost me three grand I couldn’t trust them since they done me wrong like this. I asked for my money back and it was a fight. Back and forth and finally I was told that they would refund my money and made it a point that I was going to wait 4 to 6 weeks for it and even that came with no guarantee. They didn’t offer any compensation for my lost time, cleaning or the fact that I had to rent a generator.

In closing avoid Generac like the plague. You cannot count on them or their “equipment”. Don’t buy, not recommended, not worth the hassle, and this company should be in the top 5 of the worst company to deal with and product output.

Submitted by Jeff Holt on 09/18/2020

Robb Stephens 1 stars rating.

This company does not stand behind their products. I purchased a Generac 3100 PSI Pressure washer from them. The unit failed after 4 uses. It was of course after the warranty. The pump seals were bad and the pump is not serviceable. Terrible design and terrible customer service. I would not buy anything from this company!

Submitted by Robb Stephens on 07/13/2020

Joseph Crespo 1 stars rating.

Generac is by far one of the worst companies I’ve dealt with thus far. Bought a 17500 watt generator and used it 4 months before it broke down, only to be sent to an authorized repair shop and has been there for 3.5 months! I call generac almost every day for answers and results, but my so called Rep Jenni at extension 2935 refuses to return my calls by claiming to be in meetings all day long! 3000.00 spent on a machine that does not deliver along with a company who takes your money then refuses to stand by their product. Fair warning to you all, Do Not Buy any Generac products because you will be left hanging with nothing but empty words and pockets.

Submitted by Joseph Crespo on 06/22/2020

lyle amundson 5 stars rating.

AS a dealer and a gen service company, LA'S CUSTOM POWER AND LIGHTING i can only say that alot of these claims have nothing to do with Generac . ALot of these units are installed by customers or there electrician and thats were the problems usually arises
in other words installed improperly. If you follow the recommendations and have an authorized installer put it in. Then you will have great results
As with any product thats sold thru dealers you can sometimes get a bad apple in the bunch. meaning a bad salesman But Generac is a solid company. And they do stand behind there products

Submitted by Lyle Amundson on 05/16/2020

Cynthia Andrysiak 1 stars rating.

I would have to agree with others. No customer support whatsoever. My gen is broke down and know one at general can tell me when they will have the part. As if who really cares. Not a very good answer to give a customer who spent thousands of dollars on their equipment and warranty!

Submitted by Cynthia Andrysiak on 12/11/2019

Mitch Garcia 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Mitch Garcia on 11/14/2019

Sam Fischer 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Sam Fischer on 10/22/2019

Ananthraj A 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Ananthraj A on 09/30/2019

David Minten 5 stars rating.

Great generator system

Submitted by David Minten on 09/06/2019

Zac Moore 1 stars rating.

Do yourself a favor by a cummins

Submitted by Zac Moore on 07/29/2019

KJ Hillard 1 stars rating.

PSA if you are looking for a backup generator for your home, Generac is a fraudulent company. I purchased a generator back in March and they still haven’t installed it. I have received texts every other week pushing the install back. I had no choice on the licensed dealer that they sent out. He signed me up for the credit card I’ve made 3 payments and they have installed the concrete pad, the gas line, the panel and they still haven’t installed the unit. This dealer has 2 BBB claims. Generac has done nothing to help they said they would call him and haven’t solved it or refunded me. I have been patient with this process for months but enough is enough. Please don’t make the mistake I made and buy a generator from them for your home. Please share this

Oh and they just took their website down.

Submitted by Kj Hillard on 06/20/2019

Bruce Johnson 1 stars rating.

Purchased and installed a Generac Homelink manual transfer switch. The switch would not transfer from Utility to generator power. I contacted tech support at Generac on two occasions trying to troubleshoot the problem. They were very nice folks but clearly were not well trained on tech support and neither person was any help in identifying the problem. They said I had to have a service tech come out to check it out. The tech arrived and spent 10 minutes and told me my generator was not compatible with the transfer switch and charged me $135 for the service call. The problem should have been recognized by the Generac support people if they had any decent training and I would have avoided the $135 charge. I asked Generac to cover the service call under warranty since it was due to their incompetence and spoke to a supervisor named Joshua. He was of no help and also appeared to have little knowledge of the product. Bottom line is their customer support is worthless and if you have a problem you can expect to pay for a service call to get any assistance

Submitted by Bruce Johnson on 05/06/2019

Jim Sproule 1 stars rating.

I bought two 7,000 watt generators, one for my home and one for daughters house on 10/24/14. Mine worked fine, no problems. My daughters generator was bad from day one. Motor blew up on start up after it was installed. Also had to replace the controller. Then the generator didn't work, they found that the brushes had to be cleaned and now the first of this year the switch went bad and had to have a $500.00 part installed not to mention $100.00 + truck charge for them to come out. Now the starter is going out. I called countless times after I bought the generators to talk with a supervisor and the girl that answered the phone refused to let me talk with one. They said I had to call and get a repair man out ( $145.00 ) each time and then the repairman would contact Generac . I have had nothing but problems trying to get hold of someone and then about two months ago I was finally able to talk to a supervisor and I sent all the information to her and requested a call or email back. I called several times again over the last two months as I never received a call back or any emails I called again today 05/03/19 and and finally was able to talk to the supervisor again and unfortunately she said she could not help me due to it being out of warranty. Well, I've been complaining about this from the day I had purchased it and no one ever responded to my request for help. Now I have no choice but to call the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint. As a disabled veteran and wanting to buy american maid products I would never buy another Generac due to the poor customer service I received throughout these couple of years to try to get them to replace this Bad (lemon ) generator.

Submitted by Jim Sproule on 05/03/2019

Roger Connolly 1 stars rating.

Update 2/12/2019: After spending almost $3,000 to get my generator (with 140 hours on it) repaired, Generac offered me a "free generator maintenance kit" for my trouble. Figuring I would be unlikely to get anything else out of them, I accepted this "token" that likely cost them $15 or less to produce.

Over a month later, I still have not seen the maintenance kit. So even Generac's feeble token gestures turn out to be worthless.

-------- Original Review --------

My Generac generator has been approximately 30 times more expensive to run than using utility power. I have spent $33 an hour for emergency Generac power.

Let me explain:

I had a propane 17kw installed in 2013. Including exercise, only 137 hours total on the generator in 5.5 years.

It worked well until sometime this winter when it was running during an outage. It suddenly switched off without restoration of mains power. After investigation, I determined that when switched on manually, it would switch off in 5 seconds or so with an "under voltage" error.

I got some generator experts out, and after a teardown, they determined that I seemingly had a cascading failure. They believe that the muffler intake pipe became detached from the muffler, and dropped down enough to strike the fan blades on the cooling fan. This caused every single blade on the fan to shear off. We don't know when exactly this happened, but naturally, the power head completely overheated and burned out. I had a pile of fan blades, and parts of the insulation scattered all over the fan compartment.

They replaced the muffler, fan, and powerhead. Great repair guys. I'm considerably less impressed by the manufacturer. How can this happen? Yes, it's three years out of warranty. But is this what I should expect from Generac? The age based warranty is clearly an escape clause for Generac. Many people may not run the generator enough to find a critical manufacturing flaw before the warranty expires.

$2600+ is a hefty cost to repair a generator with 137 hours on it. ???? Factoring out exercise time, I figure I have spent $33 an hour for emergency Generac power.

Very disappointing. I'll be looking at other models if the new parts turn out to be as bad as the original parts.

Submitted by Roger Connolly on 02/20/2019

F. A. Brown, Sr. 5 stars rating.

Submitted by F. A. Brown, Sr. on 12/07/2018

Sherley Benicek 3 stars rating.

Bought a Generic 8000 system almost 10 years ago. Had a problem with it not running. Had a tune up done in august . And guess what power is out and generic won't kick on. Must of been made in a monday or friday. Service techs came put again and still can't figure out tbe problem. Very dissatisfied with my generic and rhe eight thousand it cost to buy and install.

Submitted by Sherley Benicek on 09/07/2018

Alice L 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Alice L on 04/13/2018

Robert “Bob” Dempsey 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Robert “bob” Dempsey on 09/27/2017

mark g 1 stars rating.

No customer service at all

Submitted by Mark G on 09/14/2017

andrew darling 4 stars rating.

Submitted by Andrew Darling on 08/24/2017

Timothy Hendrix 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Timothy Hendrix on 02/16/2017

Sandi Pinti 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Sandi Pinti on 11/17/2016

Ron Caywood 1 stars rating.

i bought a generac 2000. after driving 250 miles round trip i set it up on my boat for i needed it for heat during this cold winter here in marathon, fl. followed the instructions and it started on the 1st pull. great except for the noise and vibration you can hear and feel anywhere on the boat!! will i take it back? yes after this cold weather is over but i dont think i want another one.

Submitted by Ron Caywood on 02/11/2016

terrion kirk 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Terrion Kirk on 11/21/2014

Amod Goyal 5 stars rating.

Submitted by Amod Goyal on 11/21/2012

